There is no course planned at the moment!

At bouldering gym Energiehaven

A journey of a thousand climbs
begins with a single grip.

Are you looking to Be Bolder for a strong foundation for bouldering?

In this specially designed course we will help you do just that and get the most fun out of your bouldering! With a focus on:

  • Bouldering safety
  • Climbing confidence
  • Vital techniques
  • Body mechanics
  • Problem solving

Starting 4 September you can train every Friday evening 19:00-21:00 for 8 weeks in bouldering gym Energiehaven.

It is a small personal group so there are a limited number of spots available.

In the case of too many applications we will look at your motivations and availability during the selection process. You will know at the latest on 28 August whether you’re welcome to participate.

Not chosen? Don’t worry, there will be another edition and you will be next in line. Otherwise you are always welcome at the Sunday evening training.

Are you ready for this?

Yeah, I'm ready!

Welk niveau klim jij meestal in één keer?
Welk niveau project je vaak?
Op welke gebieden zou jij graag meer willen groeien? Waar zouden wij jou bij kunnen helpen? (fysiek, techniek, mentaal, etc.)
Voor het stimuleren van groepsgevoel en ook je eigen groei verwachten wij een hoge beschikbaarheid van jou. De eerste training is verplicht, omdat wij hier de basis leggen voor de trainingsreeks.